Sunday, December 7, 2008

Greg is out on a detachment AGAIN, and Lily and I are just sitting around staring at each other. Actually, she's mostly screaming and I'm trying not to pull my hair out. Even though teeth are so cute when they pop out, they are not worth the screaming and crying in getting there. Who needs teeth anyway? Not babies for one.... they can gum it.

1 comment:

Mamatoosi said...

*HUGS* Been there! Honestly, now that Parker's older and I can see that he's teething and not upset over it at all, but rather something else, I don't even bother with pain relievers anymore. I think they worked a little, but if I gave it too often or daily, it seemed like he would get even crankier and crankier. Maybe he was getting rebound headaches or something. Sometimes I still give him a couple of Hyland's pills if he's super drooly and gnawing on his finger, and those do help calm him down and seem to have a more drug-like effect, but don't know if they're any "safer" or not.